
Kirk, Seals spar on key energy solutions

Chicago-area residents endure some of the highest gas prices in the country.

The cost to fill an average tank hit a record of about $65 in July, up $20 from last year. And prices don't seem to be getting much better as gas a still hovers near $4 per gallon.

So, when politicians talk about the economy, they inevitably come around to energy and gas prices.

In the heated congressional race between incumbent Mark Kirk and Democratic challenger Dan Seals, gas prices have been a driving force on the campaign trail.

Seals drew headlines in May when he offered gas at a Lincolnshire station at 2000 prices - $1.85 a gallon - to highlight the dramatic increase. The campaign event caused traffic jams and ended up costing Seals $2,200 for the extra police needed.

Kirk is now using that incident in a TV ad that paints Seals as inexperienced.

However, the two candidates agree on several points of general energy policy.

Both support broad-based investment in alternative energy sources, including wind and solar. They also support ratcheting up gas mileage standards for vehicles. Kirk, a Highland Park Republican, voted for the latest mpg increases that passed through Congress.

Yet, there are several areas of disagreement when it comes to details.

Seals is much more cautious about looking to nuclear energy, while Kirk has pushed legislation to broaden nuclear use.

"It should be a big piece of the pie," says Kirk, who wants to open Yucca Mountain in Nevada for the storage of radioactive waste, including waste from the Zion plant.

Seals, on the other hand, says, "I'm not ready to sign on to that as the answer."

Seals, Wilmette business consultant, opposes expanding the areas where oil companies can drill. Kirk supports it.

To help reduce gas prices in the short run, Seals said he would advocate releasing oil from the nation's strategic reserve, which has about 700 million barrels in it today. America uses about 21 million barrels a day.

Kirk voted to stop contributing to the reserve in May, but he said it would not be wise to start siphoning out the oil.

"I think that would leave America exposed," he said, referring to a potential catastrophe that could reduce external oil supplies.

Both candidates currently oppose lifting the federal gas tax of 18 cents a gallon, which has been pitched by GOP presidential nominee John McCain as part of his energy plan.

Moreover, both candidates oppose Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama's plan for a windfall profits tax on oil companies.

"I think that sends an awful message to the market to tax something just because you're profitable," said Seals, who said he would instead vote to reduce oil company tax breaks and subsidies.

Election Day is Nov. 4. The 10th District includes parts of Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Vernon Hills, Mundelein, Libertyville, Gurnee and Grayslake.

Mark Kirk

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Mark Kirk, a ">Here is a look at where U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, a<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span></td> <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 class=xl25 colspan=3 style='height:13.5pt;mso-ignore:colspan'>Highland Park Republican, and challenger Dan Seals,</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 class=xl25 colspan=2 style='height:13.5pt;mso-ignore:colspan'>a Wilmette Democrat, stand on energy issues.</td> <td colspan=2 class=xl25 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'></td> <td class=xl26>Kirk</td> <td class=xl26>Seals</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'>Suspend the federal 18-cent gas tax?</td> <td class=xl26>No</td> <td class=xl26>No</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'>Use oil from nation's strategic reserve?</td> <td class=xl26>No</td> <td class=xl26>Yes</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'>Support higher mileage standards?</td> <td class=xl26>Yes</td> <td class=xl26>Yes</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'></td> <td colspan=2 class=xl26 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr height=18 style='height:13.5pt'> <td height=18 style='height:13.5pt'></td> <td colspan=2 class=xl26 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td> <td></td> </tr> <![if supportMisalignedColumns]> <tr height=0 style='display:none'> <td width=229 style='width:172pt'></td> <td width=40 style='width:30pt'></td> <td width=36 style='width:27pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> </tr> <![endif]> </table> </body> </html>

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