
Sweeney blames incumbent for state's finances

Republican challenger Mike Sweeney is going after Democrat Dan Kotowski on the campaign trail for the state's fiscal mess and for voting to lease the lottery to a private company.

"I'm disgusted with how our money is being mismanaged in Springfield," says Sweeney, who is hoping to unseat the Democrat after nearly two years representing the 33rd Senate District.

The battle over the Cook County district is one of several in the region that are heating up as Republican and Democratic power brokers maneuver to win more power at the state Capitol. The 33rd encompasses two state representative districts that have spawned early TV ads and numerous political mailers.

Kotowski did support a plan this year to lease the state's lottery to a private company for decades in exchange for $10 billion upfront. The plan, pushed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich, would provide funds for education and public works projects across the state.

Kotowski of Park Ridge said he wouldn't support a lottery lease that wasn't a "win-win" in the end for taxpayers.

He said the legislation he supported required Blagojevich's plan to meet certain thresholds, including a $10 billion payout.

Sweeney called the lottery lease, which has not become law, "giving up long-term revenue for short-term gains" because it would mean the state giving up more than $1 billion in yearly revenue.

Kotowski is painting himself as an independent in the district.

As an example, he points to his vote for a measure that banned statewide officials like Blagojevich from taking campaign cash from contractors. Kotowski also supports Harper College's push to offer four-year degree programs.

"I'm proud of that record," he told attendees at a debate in Mount Prospect Saturday hosted by the local chamber of commerce.

Kotowski says Sweeney is wrong to portray his votes this year for the state budget as ones that included a $2 billion shortfall.

He blames the deficit on the state House's failure to support revenue increases approved in the Senate.

"I voted for a balanced budget," Kotowski says.

Sweeney, who is Elk Grove Township Clerk and an Arlington Heights resident, insists he would do better to balance the state's budget.

"I understand how important it is to live within our means," Sweeney said.

The 33rd District covers parts of Elk Grove, Park Ridge, Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect and Des Plaines.

Mike Sweeney
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