
Veterans issues, taxes the focus of new Kirk, Seals ads

Democratic challenger Dan Seals and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk have launched a new ad battle over tax hikes and the Iraq war.

Seals' new broadcast ad features an unnamed Iraq war veteran saying Kirk "turned his back on us" in part by voting for the war.

Kirk's new broadcast ad attempts to link Seals to Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and Cook County Board President Todd Stroger. The ad says Seals wants to raise taxes that 10th District residents can't afford.

Kirk, a Navy Reserve intelligence officer, blasted Seals' use of a war veteran against him.

"It is awfully ironic to have a man who never served a day in his life in uniform trying to turn veteran against veteran," Kirk told Seals during an interview with the Daily Herald editorial board on Friday.

Kirk served during conflicts in Iraq, Haiti and Bosnia. The Highland Park Republican has run TV ads touting his support of veterans programs, including his work to save the North Chicago VA Medical Center and support of the latest GI Bill. He has the endorsement of the Veterans of Foreign Wars' political wing.

Seals said the ad is supported by Kirk's votes for the Iraq war and a litany of votes the Democrat deems anti-veteran.

"I have nothing but respect for his service and anyone's, but that doesn't absolve you," Seals said.

The Seals' campaign said the unnamed man in the ad is 25-year-old Caleb Davis from Peoria, who was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army in 2004. Davis served an 11-month tour in Iraq between 2003 and 2004, the campaign said.

Seals balked at Kirk's new ad, which says the Wilmette marketing consultant would raise the capital gains tax. Seals says he is against raising that tax. Kirk cited Seals' support of a broad tax plan that includes raising that tax.

"His tax increase would put family incomes at risk," the ad says.

Seals said he only supports parts of the broad plan Kirk references and the capital gains tax is not one of them.

Kirk said Seals, Blagojevich and Stroger all represent "a philosophy of continuing tax hikes."

New ads launched by U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk and Democratic challenger Dan Seals go after each other on the Iraq war and tax cuts.

Here is a closer look at Seals' ad:

What the ad says:

"When we came home, Mark Kirk cut our health care. We fought for our country, and Mark Kirk turned his back on us."

What else you should know:

The ad refers to Kirk's support in 2003 of a veterans affairs budget that Seals says had reductions for some health care programs. The measure had overall increases over the previous year's budget, Kirk says.

Here is a closer look at Kirk's ad:

What the ad says:

"Dan Seals wants to raise your capital gains tax - Our families can't afford Dan Seals and his tax increase."

What else you should know:

Kirk cites Seals' support for a broad tax proposal that includes a capital gains tax increase, but Seals says he doesn't support that part of the proposal. Seals said he does not support a capital gains tax hike.

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, of Highland Park
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