
Kotowski's back, but where's he been?

Heeee's back! In my Fence Post letter published in July, I wondered where my phantom state senator, Dan Kotowski, was since he disappeared from the "political radar" just after being sent to Springfield. I predicted he would be back in time to ask us for his vote.

And now, heeere's Dan, just as I forecast. I got several rushed phone calls from him, received some of his political propaganda, and saw several news articles touting Dan's sudden reappearance, where he was doing his best self-promoting act, pretending he was a hard working servant of the hard working people in the 33rd State Senate District. And, now he's asking for our vote.

The audacity is breathtaking and disrespect of the 33rd District voters is astounding. Where has he been and what has he done. Let's see!

My father used to say, "show me your friends and I'll tell you what you are!" Well, Dan's buddies with Mayor Daley, Todd Stroger and Rod Blagojevich. Enough said?

Dan's friends control all of Illinois government. What has Dan done to control taxes that are driving businesses out of the state in droves (400,000 jobs lost). What has Dan done to release us from this quagmire Illinois is stuck in? What legislative achievement or accomplishment has Dan produced that has freed Illinois from the mud he and his Democrat friends have created? Hello, Dan? Are you there?

I suggest people look up the definition of pyrite. It just might give some real insight!

Tom Manion

Mount Prospect

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