
Kirk commitment to vets unquestionable

Dan Seals recently attacked Congressman Mark Kirk's voting record on veterans. To say that I was appalled doesn't even come close to describing my feelings. I am a veteran myself, and that Dan Seals would use us to attack one our best friends in Congress disgusts me.

Before Congressman Kirk came into office the North Chicago VA Hospital was on the verge of closure. Bureaucrats at the VA decided that veterans living in Suburban Cook and Lake County, many of whom are elderly or disabled, would have to go all the way down to the South Side of Chicago to get the medical care that they earned.

Mark Kirk said NO.

He fought an 8-year crusade to save the North Chicago VA Hospital. The battle was long, but he kept his promise to area veterans and succeeded in keeping its doors open. Not only did he keep the hospital open, he improved it. Earlier this year, ground was broken for a $100 million expansion, which will ensure veterans and their families get state-of-the-art care.

This election has seen far too much mudslinging already. But accusing Mark Kirk, one of only two active-duty Congressmen, of being bad for veterans is beyond the pale. Mark Kirk has proved, time and time again, his commitment to veterans. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, who, unlike Dan Seals, actually know something about veterans' issues, has endorsed Kirk every time he's run. Kirk is a true friend to veterans and he has earned re-election.

Bill Malich

Lake Bluff

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