
Seals confused on Obama agenda

Dan Seals must be a very confused individual. He loudly asserts that he is a big supporter of Barack Obama. He even went as far as to run a commercial on network television talking about how strongly he supports the "Obama agenda." But when I hear his attacks on Congressman Kirk it sounds like Seals should be vilifying Obama instead of championing him.

On his Web site, Seals claims that Kirk is bad for the environment. He cherry-picks about four votes, out of an 8-year career, to "prove" his point. What he does not mention is that Kirk has a 90 percent approval rating from the League of Conservation Voters. Barack Obama's rating is 67 percent.

Seals, and his supporters at the Democratic Congressional Caucus, say that Congressman Kirk has received $130,000 from the pharmaceutical industry, and imply that those donations influence his votes. Barack Obama has received $848,000 from the pharmaceutical industry this year alone.

Congressman Kirk has endured numerous attacks from Seals for his vote on the FISA bill to allow the military to eavesdrop on terrorist suspects. Seals piously states on his Web site the he would never support such a bill. Yet Obama voted the same way Kirk did, for the FISA bill.

So now you all should understand my confusion. If Mark Kirk, with his "yes" vote for the FISA bill, 90 percent approval rating from the League of Conservation Voters and $130,000 from the pharmaceutical companies is against civil liberties, an environmental disaster and in the pocket of the drug companies, then how much worse is Barack Obama in Seals' eyes, with his affirmative vote for the FISA bill, 67 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters and $848,000 from the drug companies?

Either Seals is a liar for pretending to care about those issues, or a hypocrite for applying one standard to Mark Kirk and another to Barack Obama. Whichever one he is, he lost my vote.

Mike Educate

Lake Forest

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