
Sugar Grove library seeks tax hike as it plans for opening

The Sugar Grove Public Library District is still seeking the elusive tax levy increase that would boost its operating budget and help relieve concerns about staffing the new facility that is under construction.

On Nov. 4, the library will ask voters to approve an increase of 11 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation to bring the rate to 20 cents. The rate is now limited under the property tax cap at about 9 cents. The rate increase would result in a tax increase of about $85 the first year on a $250,000 home.

Voters approved funding for the new, $8 million, 25,500-square-foot library being built on Municipal Drive in 2004. But voters have consistently turned down the library's request for an increase in its operating budget.

The Nov. 4 referendum will be the eighth time the question has been asked - the seventh time since the library itself was approved in 2004.

Library officials say the increase is needed to allow for extended hours (from 47 to 58 hours a week), a larger, more varied collection, additional programs for children and adults, and online access to more paid information services.

Library Director Beverly Holmes Hughes says she knows that these are tough economic times. But she maintains that the return on the investment in the library is clear.

"The cumulative result is unlimited opportunities for accessing items in our collection," Hughes said. "If you buy a book, you have just that one book. Investing in the library buys the opportunity for countless numbers of books and increased library hours.

"This is an opportunity to say, 'We have the new facility, now we can use it as much as we need to,'" she added. "We don't want to see the promise of the brand new building and not fund it. We want to have our collection grow and not worry about keeping our lights on."

Hughes said that if the increase is approved next month, the funding will be available in July 2009. The new library will open by the fall of 2009.

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