
Kirk goes after Seals' business background

Last week Democratic challenger Dan Seals launched an ad saying U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk - a Navy Reserve officer - "turned his back on" the troops.

This week Kirk launched a new ad calling Seals' own professional background in business into question.

The TV ad points out Seals' former employer GE Capital is facing financial collapse because of its reliance on subprime mortgages.

"He is touting his business credentials and yet the unit he has worked for is really in trouble," Kirk said about the ad Friday.

Kirk's ad also accuses Seals of supporting a capital-gains tax hike, which Seals has repeatedly denied.

"Dan Seals wants a new job but his risky tax increase could cost you yours," the ad says.

Seals spokeswoman Elisabeth Smith fired back Friday, saying the ad contained "outright lies."

"(Kirk) knows 10th District voters are fed up with the status quo in Washington and are backing Barack Obama and Dan Seals' message of change," she said.

Seals worked as a marketing director for GE Capital, but he has said he only dealt in commercial real estate, not subprime loans.

Seals is making his second run against Kirk, a Highland Park Republican, in a race garnering national attention. The 10th District includes parts of northwest Cook and eastern Lake counties.

Ad Watch

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk launched a new ad against Democratic challenger Dan Seals this week. Here is a closer look:

What the ad says:

"Dan Seals' last steady job was director at GE Capital."

What else you should know:

Seals is currently earning income as a business consultant and a lecturer at Northwestern University.

What the ad says:

"GE Capital made risky real estate loans and today they're in big trouble on Wall Street."

What else you should know:

GE Capital is in financial trouble due to subprime mortgages. However, Seals says he worked on commercial real estate for GE and never dealt with subprime mortgages.

What the ad says:

"Now Dan Seals wants to be your congressman and would hurt our economy by raising taxes on capital gains..."

What else you should know:

Seals says he will not support an increase in the capital gains tax. The accusation is based on his support of a broad tax plan that includes a capital gains hike, but Seals says he doesn't support that part of the plan.

Rep. Mark Kirk
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