
Kirk took cheap shot Duckworth

I'm very disappointed in Republican Congressman Mark Kirk for complaining about Tammy Duckworth's attendance at a news conference endorsing Dan Seals for Congress.

It wasn't enough for Kirk that Duckworth took a day off without pay from her job at the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs to attend the news conference. Kirk's complaint was that Duckworth, who lost both legs serving her country in the war in Iraq, used her state-owned van, which is specially outfitted to accommodate her disability, to attend Seals' news conference.

It's not surprising that Kirk would want to take the spotlight off Seals and Duckworth's comments at the news conference - they highlighted the fact that Kirk's support for legislation supporting veterans benefits has been substandard during his years in Congress.

But speaking as a 10th District voter, I believe Kirk slamming Duckworth's use of a van designed to enable a wounded Iraq veteran mobility is shameful and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Congressman.

I hope Seals wins in November. I'll be voting for him!

Joan Barris

Highland Park

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