
Seals an alternative to the status quo

Our government has failed us and needs to be changed. The next president and congress inherit many daunting problems including a faltering economy, wars on two fronts, an expensive inefficient health-care system, a long-neglected energy crisis and hyper-partisanship gridlock.

Our Congressman for the last divisive eight years, Mark Kirk, has voted 80 percent of the time with the Bush Republican agenda. This runs counter to his crafted image as being independent and bipartisan. Mr. Kirk is the product of the dysfunctional Washington machinery having been there for 18 years in various bureaucratic and political jobs.

We have a dynamic alternative candidate in Dan Seals. Dan brings an impressive resume and a renewed sense of urgency to solve our toughest problems. He began his career as a teacher and received master's degrees in economics from Johns Hopkins and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has enough experience with the Commerce Department and as an Economics Fellow in the U.S. Senate to know how things should work. He has real world experience as a corporate business manager and running his own firm.

Rather than accepting the status quo, I'm voting my hopes for a positive future. Therefore I'm voting for Dan Seals.

Bob Gregory


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