
McConnaughay has earned re-election

With an Illinois senator leading the Democratic ticket, some voters may be tempted to check that party box all the way down the ballot. Whatever your thoughts about the presidential candidates, there are many other races that demand just as much thought. No level of government should be taken for granted.

Many have said that Congress bears heavy blame for our crisis. The same can be said about Illinois where the governor's office has become a national disgrace and party bickering has produced an epic stalemate.

We have sadly been reminded of how important good government is at all levels and the destructive impact of bad government.

Riding on the coattails of what they hope will be an Obama landslide, some local candidates are hoping voters will be so captivated with the idea of change that we'll forget about those other races.

Take for example the race for Kane County Board chairman. The Democratic candidate touts her "seven years county level experience." According to her own Web site that experience is "writing news releases, photographing wildlife, and creating informational brochures ... and making presentations" for the public information department of a forest preserve district, not even in Kane County.

Local newspaper beat writers probably have more in-depth experience with Kane County issues. That "experience" is no qualification to lead all of Kane County, especially in such challenging times.

It is neither the time nor the office to experiment with imaginary experience.

Karen McConnaughay has earned re-election as county board chairman and Kane County deserves her experience and leadership.

Dan Walter

South Elgin

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