
It's time to stand for what's right

Dear Mark Kirk: I don't know where to begin. I was sent a link. Yes it's Huffington. No it won't blow up when you click on it. It's been confirmed by the AP as well as CNN and The Washington Post. In the video Sarah Palin incites a crowd that Barack Obama is a terrorist. A person in the crowd yells out "Kill Him." In the next video McCain asks who is Barack Obama? A person in the crowd yells out "a terrorist." I know this is what you all expect and accept but to allow someone in a crowd to yell "Kill him" about Obama is wrong. It saddens me that the political environment has become so volatile. To say it's ignorance is not acceptable anymore. This is a candidate for VP and President who allows this behavior. It's OK to disagree on candidates, it's even preferred to have disagreements. My Dem friends hate that I vote for you but you seem like a fair man so, yes, I educate myself and vote. I've always voted for you Mark Kirk. I'm a registered Democrat but I've always voted for you. But this year the person who stands up to this "horrific ploy" gets my vote.

This has to stop. Americans deserve better than this. I used to be a fan of John McCain, before he sold his soul. I had hopes that he would retain some dignity, some honor in the man he used to be. I was proved wrong today. I'm not naive, I'm a proud American who today saw the VP candidate for the GOP allow a person in the crowd advocate killing an American. It's your call Mr. Kirk. But we're watching, we're waiting to see what real proud Americans do.

Danette Hayes

Buffalo Grove

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