
Mark Kirk the moderate?

It was business as usual with Mark Kirk trying to adhere to his "moderate image" with the Sun-Times Editorial Board.

In early September, Mark Kirk called Sarah Palin the Patrick Fitzgerald of Alaska, but did a 90 degree turn with the Sun-Times Editorial Board stating, "I would have picked someone different."

Mark Kirk describes himself as a bipartisan legislator who has worked across the aisle in Congress to save the Great Lakes. Yet, not once in his tenure has he called a meeting with the state legislators of his district to discuss this or any other issues. Could that be because the state legislators are democrats?

Mark Kirk tells his constituents he saved the North Chicago Veterans Hospital by merging it with the Great Lakes Naval Hospital. Truth be told, the Veterans Hospital was a convalescent facility treating aging World War II, Korean and Vietnam War veterans. Now, they were faced with treating young veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, head trauma and other severe injuries. A better fit for the Great Lakes Naval Hospital might have been a state-of-the-art research hospital like Northwestern or Rush.

Congressman Kirk's campaign literature speaks of "thoughtful, independent leadership." Let's not forget, this is the same man who served as assistant majority whip under Tom DeLay.

As a thoughtful, independent voter, we need a new congressman who will be a true representative of this highly educated, socially progressive district.

Carol Blustein


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