
Kirk does not support veterans

I am a veteran and am amazed that Mark Kirk claims to be supporting our veterans. He's voted against veterans' benefits 24 times. He's voted against veterans' health care, against benefits for slain veterans' widows and children, and against protecting our veterans who risk bankruptcy. Too expensive, he claims. He would rather spend $12 billion a month on the war. Much of that money goes to contractors like Blackwater instead of our brave soldiers. Mark Kirk helped the President start the war, a war that has left thousands and thousands of veterans and families in great need. But he's not standing up to deal with what the war brings home.

Mark Kirk needs to man up and acknowledge his record as a Republican. He has supported the Bush-Cheney administration 90 percent of the time. His rare independent votes have not been on the issues of the Iraq war and veterans benefits.

It is time for a change and fortunately we have an excellent candidate in Dan Seals. He'll work to bring a responsible end to the war and will stand up for veterans.

Barry Berk


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