
Seals will protect Social Security

If you are a retired senior, as I am, chances are you have increasing worries about the safety of our monthly Social Security checks, and rightly so!

Mark Kirk claims in his current T.V. ads that he is independent from the policies of the Bush Administration. However, he supports the privatization of Social Security, which would put up to $2 billion dollars in the hands of Wall Street. Obviously, in the light of the bailout situation, that would be a disaster for the stability of Social Security income, which seniors, like myself, have worked hard for and depend on to meet essential needs.

On the other hand, Dan Seals will fight to protect Social Security and ensure that our Medicare system works for seniors. Rather than undermining Social Security with risky privatization schemes, Dan believes we should focus on strengthening it so that we can maintain our promise to American workers.   

Please join me in voting for Dan Seals for Congress on Nov. 4.

Dan is a true friend of seniors!

Nancy Stemwedel


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