
Kirk deserves vote; he knows district

So far in the 10th Congressional District, three newspapers have made an endorsement for Congress and all three times Mark Kirk was the candidate that they endorsed.

I think that they were absolutely correct in their assessments. Mark Kirk demonstrated his great leadership ability when he saved the North Chicago VA hospital and stopped BP from dumping toxic waste into Lake Michigan.

He closely mirrors the 10th District's tradition of social moderation and fiscal conservatism. We prize independence and Kirk is the eighth most independent congressman in the House of Representatives. Mark Kirk fights for his district and its values, even when he has to go against his own party.

According to the Sun-Times, Mark Kirk has voted against the President 59 percent of the time. He clearly is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and that's the kind of guy I want to keep around!

Mark Kirk deserves re-election. Not because he's been endorsed by so many popular newspapers, but for the reasons that won him their endorsement. He is an independent, thoughtful, effective congressman. He has done an excellent job and I'm voting to re-elect him so he can continue to do an excellent job in the years to come.

Dennis Donelon

Vernon Hills

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