
Why is Dan Seals hiding from Kirk?

This week Dan Seals officially called off his last debate with Mark Kirk. It was to be held in Waukegan on Tuesday, Oct. 28. Seals has not enlightened the voters why he pulled out, but I can hazard a guess. Dan Seals is scared. Dan Seals has debated Mark Kirk five times in this race. And five times Dan Seals lost. He must have realized that his strength isn't his ideas or his debating ability. His strength is in sitting back, not saying much and praying for the Obama coattails to carry him to victory. Hiding in his office and waiting for the national party to come rescue him might help Dan Seals' chances, but it is a disservice to the voters. If Dan Seals won't even stand up and defend his ideas, what kind of Congressman would he make? Hopefully we will never find out.

Samantha Lee

Vernon Hills

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