
It's Kirk, not Seals, who backs veterans

Voters in the 10th Congressional District should think long and hard before casting a ballot for Dan Seals who seems to be a Democratic Party puppet running against President Bush, who is leaving office, and offers nothing positive for our district.

In his latest television attack ad, Seals tries to suggest that Congressman Mark Kirk is not supportive of veterans. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Kirk, a veteran himself, has consistently backed our military and those who have served our country. Contrast this to Seals who has never worn our nation's uniform nor served in elected office.

A telling moment occurred during the 4th of July parade this year in Arlington Heights. I was at the American Legion Post as Seals and his entourage approached toward the end of the parade.

Instead of walking over to greet the veterans and their families who were watching the parade, Seals made a beeline to the other side of the street to shake hands with children.

Are these the actions of someone who supports veterans? I don't think so.

Gilda M. Karu

Arlington Heights

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