
Kudos to library for acting responsibly

Last night, Nov 25th, I attended the finance committee of the Library Board to voice my concern over the library's portion of the proposed 3.75 percent tax levy on the citizens of Arlington Heights. After hearing concerns from the citizens in attendance and ensuring no detrimental effect on the Library, the finance committee unanimously voted to recommend no increase in property taxes!

I am happy to report to the citizens of Arlington Heights that the committee recognized that now was not the time to be increasing tax burdens on our community. I left the meeting believing that not only does the committee have the best interests of our Library at heart, but they are acting fiscally responsible with our money. I am very proud of our library and particularly the congenial and dedicated staff that work there. Paula Moore, executive librarian, impressed me as a reasonable and conscientious steward of the community's tax dollars.

I would like to personally thank Library Board members G. Victor Johnson, president; Jan L. Tucker, vice president/secretary and Kerry W. Pearson, treasurer for their service and for foregoing the tax increase at this time. Your empathy for your neighbors is recognized and appreciated.

It is my hope that the Village Board will act as responsibly in consideration of their portion of the tax levy on Dec. 8.

Finally, I would like to urge the citizens of Arlington Heights to get personally involved in these matters. It is our responsibility to demand transparency in the distribution of our tax dollars, whether it is for the village, the library, or the school systems.

Your voice and concerns do matter and you can make a difference!

Barbara G. Browne

Arlington Heights

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