
Helping out can keep holiday helpings in line

Q. How can I avoid overeating when I'm pressured to eat at family gatherings?

A. Family dynamics vary, so one approach may not fit all situations. First, try to sit away from those individuals who are most likely to push food at you. If you are pressured to eat more than you are comfortable with, offer a response that doesn't put others on the defensive.

For example, don't elicit guilt by implying that others are eating excessively or that the food being served is unhealthy. Rather, you might compliment the food and say that you are so full you'd like to wait until later to indulge more.

In addition, you can offer to help out with serving, so you can choose the portion that's right for you. While it's important not to let others derail your efforts to take care of your health, try to be sensitive.

In many families, food is equated with love and refusing to eat can be viewed as a personal rejection. Try to choose vegetables or another low-calorie dish to savor slowly so that if others are going back for third or fourth portions, you've still got something to munch.

Q. Am I making a healthy choice when I choose a reduced-sugar cheesecake?

A. A serving of regular cheesecake can differ dramatically in calories, from 260 to 1000 calories per slice, depending on portion size and add-on flavorings. A moderate sized slice of low sugar cheesecake may reduce that figure anywhere from 100 to 140 calories.

However, your choice of flavor matters, too: Plain cheesecake is considerably lower in calories, fat and sugar than cheesecake with nuts, chocolate, caramel sauce, etc. And, while a cheesecake marketed as lower in sugar may cut some calories, more than 60 percent of the calories usually come from fat.

Regardless of sugar, unless the fat content is reduced, you are consuming at least a day's worth of unhealthy saturated fat per slice.

Q. What is crispbread and is it a healthy alternative to crackers?

A. You can find crispbread, sometimes called flatbread, in the cracker section of your grocery store (it may also be located in the international or ethnic food aisles). It is usually baked with whole grain flour, making it a good source of fiber and nutrients. In addition, it is usually very low in fat. A one-ounce serving, which may be two or three slices, but up to ten of the thin wafer varieties, usually contains about 70 to 120 calories.

However, do check nutrition information, since some may be made with refined flour and may not provide the fiber and whole-grain nutrition you'd expect. Experiment with different varieties to find those with the textures and flavors you like best.

Crispbread can be a nice alternative to serve with dip or reduced-fat cheese, or as an accompaniment for soup or salad.

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