
Get facts straight on wind power

I am replying to the Jan. 23, 2009 letter titled "Wind power plan a lot of hot air." What may not have been clear in previous articles about wind energy in the Daily Herald is that, in my experience, the wind energy is supplemental and sold to the electric company, not as the sole source of energy, but as an additional source.

Two wind turbines and a meteorological tower are currently being constructed on our family farm in central Illinois, and the wind energy company has an initial seven-year contract to provide wind energy to the electric company. And let me assure you, each tower does NOT take 137 acres as Mr. Zettler stated. Each tower sits on a fraction of an acre, with only a narrow access "road" constructed on the property. This incredible misrepresentation of the fact causes me to wonder about the validity of other information provided in his letter.

The average power for the entire year from each wind turbine will provide electricity for 600 homes or 40,000 homes for the whole project. The entire project costs about $100 million and is paid by the wind farm company. The wind energy subsidy to the company was not figured into the profitability of the project. The extra year's worth of subsidy approved by Congress was a bonus.

Mary Ann McDowell


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