
Illinois' troubles leave no room for politics

While I look forward to a new era in Illinois state government with a new governor and two new leaders in the General Assembly, it is no secret our state is facing serious difficulties. Everyday we are inundated with news of more layoffs, a flailing stock market and potholes large enough to swallow cars.

Former Gov. Blagojevich left the state in shambles. It wasn't until I served on the House Impeachment Committee that I became painfully aware of the extent of the damage that he inflicted. In addition to blocking legislation, he continued to spend money that we didn't have and start programs without funds.

The state is in serious financial trouble. The budget is deteriorating and the economy is only making it worse. The Illinois comptroller recently reported a backlog of about $4.5 billion in unpaid bills. Many state service providers have not been paid for months. This delay is causing such financial difficulties for vendors, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, local governments and universities that many of them will soon be forced to stop doing business with the state. The financial difficulties inflicted on these service providers, due to the state's failure to pay our cost reimbursements, is unconscionable.

Without a major infusion of money, the state will be virtually insolvent. Finding money to plug the hole is only a bandage for more serious problems, such as government spending.

No doubt we face serious challenges while we clean up the mess left by Blagojevich and confront his legacy - a $9 billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2010 - but I believe real strides can be made. It's time to put politics aside and tackle these serious issues ... to tighten our belts in government like so many of us have had to do at home and in business. These are tough times but I think we're up to the task.

Suzie Bassi

State Representative


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