
Updates from our Fittest Losers

What's it like trying to whip yourself into shape in 12 weeks? Here's the latest update on the Fittest Loser Challenge from the contestants themselves:

Lisa Notarnicola:

I'm still alive! I found out that my trainer who I call COACH has military training, and boy does it show! He PUSHES me like never before. OK, I remember working hard like this when I was in high school basketball (28 years ago)! Coach Kennedy killed us in practice with wind sprints and such to get us into shape for the games.

Anyone watch "The Biggest Loser"? That's my trainer, and he has no mercy. He basically calls me a whiner! It has been tough these two weeks, but the results are starting to show, and I'm feeling much better so far about myself!

The eating is going OK. Learning to eat the right portions and the right nutrition is the key, I think. It is difficult trying to eat the right meals especially with my two kids who always complain about what we are eating! "FISH again????" my daughter says. We'll all be healthy by the time this is done! My challenge is going to be keeping it up and keeping it off after the contest! So far, so good for now! We have a long way to go!

Until next week!

Christine Reiss:

First let me start off by saying how much I LOVE my trainer Sharon. She is amazing and I will be forever grateful that this opportunity has brought someone like her in my life. Although she wasn't kidding when she said she is going to kick my butt! Be careful what you wish for, right?

The workouts have been grueling. My body has been put through more activity in one week than it has been in years. In my first session, I thought I was going to die and in my head I was thinking "what did I get myself into?"

But by the second training session with Sharon I realized this is exactly what I came here for. Change. I didn't realize how out of shape I was and it was very hard for me when I realized that I was 28 years old and can't even run on the treadmill for a few minutes without losing my breath. But with every workout comes a new me. There's never a "same workout" with Sharon. We do different exercises every session and I love it. Sharon pushes me to do things I didn't think were possible. She never lets me quit. So far I have been exercising Monday-Saturday with Sunday as my day off.

Everyday I journal what I eat and the times I eat them. When I meet with Sharon to train, she checks my journal and lets me know what I need to change and things I'm doing wrong. So far so good. The eating has come to be a lot easier than I thought. (Although I'm still tempted by candy).

I want this more than words can say and am looking forward to seeing my body change to a healthier, better looking me! 1 week down, 11 more to go!

Rob Bohanek:

Lifestyle changes well underway! Strength training has been going well. This past Tuesday I was pushed to limits I had not been at in an awfully long time. Recovery took a little longer than expected, but I stayed on track (with adjustments) with Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday strength training and cardio on my own three of the other four days at Delnor Health and Wellness center or the fitness center at our school.

I thought I was doing rather well on a meal plan by following these rules: no white flour, no processed sugars, whole wheat and whole grains, and eating turkey, chicken breast, and lean pork. I discovered in meeting with Mark from Push Fitness that a low glycemic diet is the lifestyle change for the foods I will now eat, and the next level to reach. We're adjusting at home and my wife Michelle has been very supportive in food preparation and encouragement.

I have also found inspiration in my colleagues, friends and family who have shared their fitness plans and successes. I'm losing weight, but more importantly the fitness and food choices are a most welcome change to the beginning of the rest of my life.

Our minds are very powerful, and the base for believing what we can achieve. I saw a sign at Push Fitness that sums up so much: "Those who do not make time for daily exercise (and "proper nutrition" could be added), will sooner or later, have to make time for illness." Harsh, but real. Thanks Daily Herald and Push for helping me find the right tools for the job.

Liesl Ignoffo:

My first week was very rushed due to finding out that I was the alternate contestant at the very last minute and it seems that the other contestants have already begun their workouts and diet plan. In just three days, I went to Dr. Paul, had an interview at my home, met with Mark for 45 minutes while being videoed and then one more meeting with Mark on Saturday that included all my testing (how long it took me to run a mile, number of push-ups in 2 minutes, number of sit-ups in 2 minutes, flexibility test etc.) and finally going over my diet plan for the next 12 weeks.

My first work out was very tough - he pushed me hard - but it felt good afterward to have gotten through it and I had the stamina to do it. Mark had many compliments for me the first evening. The diet is going well - I feel good and surprisingly NOT hungry on a 1300 calorie diet. Tonight I will be doing cardio at home, basically the treadmill - walking one minute and running one minute for about 15 intervals. I'm looking forward to my next training sessions with Mark - he really mixes it up and makes it fun - but boy is it ever tough!

Eric Ronzio:

Well, I survived the first week. Getting out of shape was much more fun that getting in shape, but it feels good to get started.

I had my first meeting with my trainer, Josh from Push Fitness. The first meeting wasn't a workout, just a meeting to talk about nutrition. Obviously, I knew I wasn't eating the right things, but I didn't know how bad it really was until Josh explained how my body was being impacted by those foods. He really helped me put together a plan on not just what to eat, but when to eat. And the best part for me was that it wasn't in general terms like "eat healthy stuff." Josh gave me very specific ideas of things to eat and when to eat them. Having those specific foods to go to makes it easier to stay on track.

This week I had training sessions at Push with Josh on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. I also did cardio at the Y on Wednesday and Thursday. I used to think I didn't have time to work out. The reality of it is that I did have time, but just chose not to make the time. In fact, working out in the morning has been going pretty smooth. I get all of my stuff ready the night before and go to bed at a decent time. I'm able to workout in the morning and still get to work in time. And when I get to work I'm wide-awake and ready for the day.

It took some effort this first week to get everything started. Since I haven't really worked out in a while, I had to go out and get a decent pair of running shoes and some clothes to work out in. My wife really helped by buying foods that Josh recommended and stocking them at the house and my office. Her support means the world to me and I don't know how I would do this without her.

Now that the first week is over, I am looking forward to settling into a routine and making this part of my everyday life. I know the soreness will go away soon... at least, I hope.

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