
Kaneland school board approves job cuts

The Kaneland School District 302 board of education this week approved trimming at least eight teaching positions for the 2009-10 school year in a cost-cutting move.

The board accepted the resignations of 11 district employees, including eight teachers, and did not renew the contracts of four full-time elementary school teachers and three half-time kindergarten teachers. Of the 12 full-time positions that will be vacant next year, eight will not be filled, allowing for a savings of $400,000.

Jeff Schuler, assistant superintendent for human resources, said some of the teachers resigned voluntarily and others will be leaving over performance issues. The kindergarten teachers will be cut because the district doesn't yet have the number of kindergarten classes needed in the fall, he said.

"We'll know when the numbers are in, but it's uncertain because of the lack of movement in housing," Schuler said. "The part-time kindergarten teachers will be hired back if they are needed."

The district is expected to eliminate an additional seven support staff positions in April to save $200,000. The total of $600,000 in savings is part of a plan to cut about $1.5 million in spending from next year's budget.

Schuler said that class size will not be affected by trimming teacher positions.

"Some teaching positions are not direct classroom jobs, such as reading teachers" Schuler said. "Roles have been restructured in order for teachers to be used in a different capacity.

"But releasing teachers is difficult," Schuler added. "We don't like doing it."

The district is anticipating a decrease in revenue from both the state and local property taxes, due to a stagnant housing market and declining property values.

Linda Zulkowski, Kaneland Education Association president, acknowledged that other school districts are also cutting positions.

"We're saddened to lose good teachers over budget cuts," Zulkowski said. "But we don't see the alternative until the state starts paying its bills and the economy turns around. We are not alone. Hopefully, things will pick up."

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