
Keller is good for West Dundee

Village President Larry Keller is the epitome of a good public servant and easily deserves another term as West Dundee's leader.

Well-versed in the economic challenges facing his community, once totally dependent on retail sales tax dollars from struggling Spring Hill Mall, he has long worked to diversify the village's tax base amid economic challenges, even if it meant upsetting some residents in an election year.

Challenger Michael Elmore, a write-in who aptly terms himself a "character," seems most motivated by his own discontent with the village's response to his complaints about a neighbor more than his adopted cause of aiding those unhappy about the village's vote to bring in Wal-Mart. He has little knowledge of government process, only of retribution. Keller is a reasoned, experience leader well-versed in transportation and economic challenge and gives his community a full-time effort. Larry Keller is endorsed.

Trustees Pat Hanley and Norm Osth have the experience to continue guiding the village. They have helped ensure the village is prepared for growth out to Randall Road and to keep village service standards high in the face of financial struggle. Both worked to have the controversial Wal-Mart mitigate its impact on neighbors.

Challenger Julie Voss also deserves your vote with a reasonable approach to growth that will work well with the village's comprehensive plan as well as ideas like co-op agreements with neighboring villages to provide services and save money. Steve Geati and Lisa Geisler are also running. Hanley, Osth and Voss are endorsed.

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