
Re-elect Wajda in Gilberts

To be located just west of Randall Road is far different from being on Randall Road. Just ask Gilberts, a town thus far bypassed by the incredible retail boom along the Randall corridor that has provided benefits to towns throughout the Fox Valley despite today's dwindling economy.

Finding a way to tap into similar economic development during tough financial times is, without question, one of the biggest challenges Gilberts faces, agree candidates for village president and trustee.

But as important, some say, is improving the quality of life in town by providing recreation and park opportunities for residents.

Rick Zirk is challenging Village President Tom Wajda, saying more should be done to bring economic development to town. Zirk, a former South Elgin village president, touts his experience bringing such development to South Elgin. We'd argue it's hardly the same challenge and we're concerned that Zirk seems too willing to accommodate developers.

Development for development's sake has left too many towns with burdens on their infrastructure and lessened quality of life.

We prefer Wajda's careful approach to bring in the right development for his community. We agree it seems to be taking too long to get the right development and respect Zirk's contentions, but feel the location and economy combined are factors as much as leadership.

And despite some mistakes, we feel Wajda deserves a second term. That said, there's no doubt, the village can and must do more to attract the right mix of industrial and commercial. Tom Wajda is endorsed.

The issues are similar in the trustee race where three 4-year terms are open. Four candidates are running, including newcomers Nancy Farrell and Guy Zambetti, longtime incumbent trustee Gordon Mueller and Everett Clark, a former trustee and village president until 2005.

They agree on the need to stimulate Gilbert's economic growth by attracting a mix of commercial, industrial and retail to town. And all want more recreation options in town. Mueller and Clark clearly have experience and Zambetti has a good understanding of the needs. Mueller, Clark and Zambetti are endorsed. Farrell brings a different perspective and could also be an effective board member.

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