
ECC expansion will create jobs now and later

In this sluggish economic climate, one of the best things we can do for our local economy is to keep our communities working. That's why I'm supporting the Elgin Community College bond referendum April 7.

Right now ECC does not have adequate job training facilities to meet the demand of qualified applicants. In fact, they have to turn away hundreds of qualified applicants for health careers every year. This must be fixed.

In order to address this, ECC must expand their training facilities and replace the campus library to meet mandatory national accreditation standards. These improvements are necessary to move individuals off waiting lists and into job training for professions like nursing, where jobs are immediately available.

In addition to providing job training for those who need work, in the short term, this will create thousands of local construction jobs to upgrade and expand campus facilities. This is the best thing for our economy in the short term and in the long term - Vote "Yes" April 7.

Thank you.

Kim Gilmore


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