
Keep council-manager form of government

The Council-Manager form of government has served Elgin citizens for over 50 years. With its focus on political leadership, nonpartisanship and professional code of ethics, the council-manager system has enabled Elgin to achieve remarkable progress.

Since 1984, Citizens for Council-Manager Government has researched positions of candidates seeking municipal office. As always, our goal is to determine which candidates are committed to this government.

Recently, the group mailed a list tenets or principles commonly associated with council-manager government to all candidates seeking seats on the city council. They were asked to sign the document if they agreed with and will adhere to these principles.

The following individuals have indicated their support by returning the signed document: Juan Figueroa, Bob Gilliam, Emi Morales, Shane Nowak, John Prigge, Linda Quezada, Brenda Rodgers, John Walters and Mike Warren.

We trust that readers will use this information when voting April 7.

Bob Malm

CC-MG President

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