
Schaumburg library to offer money tips

Whether it's the stock market, employment, credit card debt or housing sales, bad news is flying at us from all directions. Individual debt is higher than ever before, small business are dropping like flies and many of the large ones aren't doing so well either. People who thought their finances were solid are questioning whether they can afford college, retirement or even next month's mortgage.

What can you do? Get money smart!

As part of Chicago Money Smart Week, the Schaumburg Township District Library will offer a series of programs from Monday, April 20-Thursday, April 23, at the central library, 130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg. The library, in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and other community groups and financial institutions, designed these programs to help consumers better manage their personal finances. Finance experts will discuss a variety of topics, including planning for retirement, college, investing and more.

We begin the week with "Making Your Money Last in Retirement" from 7:30-9 p.m., Monday, April 20, in the Adult Classroom. Karen Chan, consumer and family economics educator at the University of Illinois Extension, will offer strategies for managing your investments, retirement plans and other expenses.

"What Type of Investment Advisor is Best for Me?" will be held from 7:30-9 p.m., Tuesday, April 21, in the Adult Classroom. A panel of financial experts will conduct this seminar on finding a financial planner who meets your specific needs.

Learn about basic types of investments in "The ABCs of Investing" from 7:30-9 p.m., Wednesday, April 22, in the Adult Classroom. William Kmiecik, CPA-PFS, of Wisdom Investments, Inc. will help you understand the basic types of investments and how to avoid some of the pitfalls of unwise investing.

The week will conclude with "Investing in an Uncertain Economy" from 7:30-9 p.m., Thursday, April 23 in the Adult Classroom. A panel of financial planners will walk you through the opportunities and pitfalls of investing and planning for your future, based on their book Investing in an Uncertain Economy for Dummies. There will be a time set aside for questions and answers.

People in every economic situation can benefit from Money Smart Week. We hope everyone will take advantage of this great opportunity. Questions? Call Nelly Somerman at (847) 923-3329.

Though the library's Money Smart Week programs end April 23, our commitment to providing helpful financial information resources is ongoing. Check out the new section of the library Web site about money management and investing at You can watch former library director Mike Madden and reference librarian Kris Kenney interview local financial professionals and find information about budgeting, investing, debt management and more. When visiting the library, be sure to visit our walk-through exhibit near the Reference Desk, which features information on investing for retirement and ways in which the library can help. The exhibit will be available until Tuesday, April 28.

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