
Saturday Soapbox

Both sides of the tracks:

When government entities cooperate, the taxpayers win. This week the Barrington Countryside and Lake Zurich fire protection districts agreed to expand their coverage of each others' dispatch calls when a lengthy freight train could get in the way of emergency vehicles. Now that Canadian National Railway's freights will be rolling down the tracks more often, this agreement may prove to be a life saver.

Your home is my home:

Maybe it was bound to happen in these days when the volume of foreclosures foretells that many among us are struggling. But an Aurora man turned squatter in Sugar Grove takes the cake. Sounds like he also took just about everything else in his alleged one-year free stay in a $700,000 mansion in foreclosure. He apparently enjoyed two big-screen TVs, furniture, chatting with neighbors and taxpayer-paid water. Gives new meaning to the term freeloader.

Upside-down malls:

The latest bankruptcy news reveals the owner of six Chicago-area malls is the latest to seek Chapter 11 protection. General Growth Properties Inc., which owns Oakbrook Center, Spring Hill Mall, Water Tower Place, and others says the inability to get credit forced the move. Many a shopper can sure relate to that. To truly be effective, doesn't the federal stimulus plan need to better address the dearth of credit these days?

Freak accident:

High winds blew a set of McDonald's golden arches atop Naperville retirees Russell and Carolyn Janke's SUV as they sat in an eastern Arizona parking lot this week. Both were crushed and suffered numerous injuries. The couple's daughter told a reporter that their grandchildren would not understand what happened. Few people could. May they both make a full recovery.

City of Big Slapshots:

A tip of the hockey mask to Rocky Wirtz, John McDonough, coach Joel Quenneville and the Blackhawks organization for delivering what they promised: playoff hockey in Chicago and a team we can all be proud to cheer for. They went beyond building a winning team - they've built a winning atmosphere with sold-out crowds, lively entertainment and a customer-service approach that's the envy of most businesses. It may not happen this year, but it might not be too long before they deliver the biggest promise of all: a Stanley Cup.

Room for more Title Towns?

While the Blackhawks haven't won anything yet, that winning spirit they've developed is certainly catching on. The Cubs and White Sox certainly have postseason aspirations, and the Bears schedule with new quarterback Jay Cutler looks favorable. Even the Bulls managed to turn things around and make the playoffs with a second-half push. Now, toss in the unbeaten Chicago Slaughter indoor football team, and promising lineups for both soccer teams, the Fire and the Red Stars, and things are looking up.

Looking forward to homecoming:

As we watch survivors return to American soil after surviving an attack by Somali pirates, we think of Wheaton residents Katy and Michael Urbik, whose son Thomas was on the Liberty Sun when it was attacked. It's great to know he's safe, but everyone will feel better once Thomas returns home.

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