
Lake County briefs

Park to be dedicated:

Fremont Township officials will dedicate Behm Homestead Park, 22222 W. Peterson Road, Grayslake, at 7 p.m. May 12. The park has football, baseball, softball and lacrosse fields; shuffle board and horseshoes; a walking path; and a centrally located playground. The township purchased the 29-acre site in 2005. All of the park's amenities should be ready for the public this fall.

Job search seminar coming:

A free seminar, "Taking Charge of Your Career During Tough Economic Times," will be presented from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. The seminar will be presented by Mike Mulligan, author and founder and CEO of Mulligan & Associates Inc. in Rolling Meadows, a corporate-sponsored outplacement firm he started in 1983 that has helped 8,000 employees find new employment. Topics include taking charge of your career, identifying your job targets, how to get interviews and how to interview to obtain offers.

Training for elected officials:

The Barrington Area Council of Governments has scheduled a "Local Officials Training Workshop" 6 to 8:45 p.m. Thursday, April 30, at the Barrington Area Library, 505 N. Northwest Highway. All council member communities' officials are invited. The training program is geared toward newly elected officials on village and township boards, but the subjects to be covered also have applications for appointed officials like zoning and plan commissioners. The workshop will be presented by the law firm Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle. Details about the training program are available from BACOG Executive Director Janet Agnoletti at (847) 381-7871.

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