
Obama should bow out from 'our lady'

Here on planet "What About Me," principled people are so rare as to be oddities. Thus, it was a head-swiveling moment Monday when former Vatican Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon quietly declined Notre Dame's Laetare Medal.

Glendon - a Harvard University law professor and author on bioethics and human rights - rejected the honor in part because Barack Obama was invited to be commencement speaker and receive an honorary degree.

In an April 27 letter to Notre Dame's president, the Rev. John I. Jenkins, Glendon wrote of her dismay that Obama was to receive the degree in disregard of the U.S. bishops' position that Catholic institutions "should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles." But the more compelling reason seems to have been Glendon's sense that she was being used to deflect criticism.

In her letter, Glendon cited "talking points" issued by Notre Dame, including that: (1) "President Obama won't be doing all the talking. Mary Ann Glendon, the former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, will be speaking as the recipient of the Laetare Medal." (2) "We think having the president come to Notre Dame, see our graduates, meet our leaders, and hear a talk from Mary Ann Glendon is a good thing for the president and for the causes we care about."

To non-Catholics, Glendon's act may seem of little importance. Abortion is law and Obama is president. The American people moved on.

Or have they? And should we? Is there really ever a time when we should be comfortable with the ratification of abortion? It has always seemed to me that the truest form of feminism would be to hold abhorrent the state-sanctioned destruction of women's life-bearing gifts. Out of expedience, we've convince ourselves that life is a mistake.

While one may prefer to preserve the legality of individual discretion (my own reluctant, if withering, position), it is nonetheless consoling that there are still those who relentlessly defend life's sanctity.

Increasingly, however, even Catholic institutions can't be relied upon to hold the fraying line between our humanity and materialism. Another Laetare recipient, the novelist and physician Walker Percy, told the 1989 graduating class: "It is a disaster when only one kind of truth prevails at the expense of another. If only one kind of truth prevails - the abstract and technical truth of science - then nothing stands in the way of a demeaning of and a destruction of human life for what appear to be reasonable, short-term goals.

"It's no accident, I think, that German science, great as it was, ended in the destruction of a Holocaust. The novelist likes to irritate people by pointing this out."

One needn't be a dedicated pro-lifer to understand the consternation Obama's invitation has caused. He is more radical than all previous presidents on the life issue, with his loosening of federal funds for abortion and embryonic stem cell research, as well as his campaign promise to pass the Freedom of Choice Act.

To his credit, Obama left some restrictions on stem cell research. Federal funding may be used for research on surplus embryos from fertility clinics, not on cells or embryos created for research.

Nevertheless, his abortion stance is in direct conflict with Catholic teaching. And no place symbolizes Catholics in America quite the way Notre Dame does. Offering this backdrop and extending the school's imprimatur to Obama constitutes a wink and a nod to abortion. Why not throw a pig roast in Mecca? That was Glendon's point. By her symbolic gesture of self-denial, she demonstrates that faith is an act, not a motto. Obama might consider following Glendon's lead. Although he supports choice, the president also recognizes the moral complexity of those decisions. Out of respect for pro-life Catholics and their beloved institution, he should politely bow out.

© 2009, Washington Post Writers Group

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