
Game-crazy fall in store at Indian Trails Library

Indian Trails Public Library District is one of 10 libraries across the country, and the only one in Illinois, selected to receive a $5,000 grant funded by the Verizon Foundation.

Among more than 390 applicants from across the United States, Indian Trails Library, based in Wheeling, was selected as part of the American Library Association's Libraries, Literacy and Gaming initiative.

The winners of the grant, representing a broad spectrum of libraries - seven public, two school and one academic - will use the funds to develop and implement gaming and literacy programs that provide innovative gaming experiences for youths 10-18 years of age.

Operation Game Creation will give youths ages 10-18 the opportunity to create games, work in teams, be judged by a panel and win cash prizes. One winning team will be chosen in two age groups (10-14 and 15-18) and will receive a $250 cash prize. They also will have their registration paid for the Chicago Toy and Game (Chitag) Fair "Young Inventor Challenge," where their creations will be among those to be voted on by attendees over the course of a two-day toy fair in downtown Chicago.

Indian Trails Library will provide all resources for kids to be able to compete including: space; computers; books; gaming software and a "boot camp" where gaming experts will demonstrate to kids how to create games.

Youths will be able to create computer animation, board, card or role-playing games.

Programs as a result of this grant will begin as early as September and end by November, bringing a game fair atmosphere to fruition.

To find out more information about upcoming events and programs at the library, visit the library's Web site at, or call (847) 459-4100.

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