
Fooling ourselves on economic plan

The United States government is expanding at an alarming rate, far beyond the capability of the taxpayers to pay for it. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office sees trillion dollar deficits as far as they can see. The Russian newspaper Pravda says that the U.S. people are like sheep being lead into Marxism. The economic students at Beijing University erupted in laughter when our Treasury Secretary Geithner told them that U.S. Treasury bonds were safe. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke stated that in the future the U.S. economy would grow at 2.5 percent instead of 3.5 percent because of the new government programs.

President Clinton with a Republican Congress solved deficit problems in the 1990s by reducing government head count and holding expenses level. Our Congressman Bill Foster said he would solve the deficit problem by educating GI's and cut waste in military spending. These nice thoughts are woefully inadequate to solve the problem.

Eugene Kalley

St. Charles

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