
New store offer a Savvy look at being green

Savvy's official marketing doesn't say so, but the new store in Naperville is all about proving Kermit the Frog wrong.

The store celebrated its grand opening May 22, shelves and display tables stocked with eco-friendly products - items made from recycled or sustainable materials and things that can help shoppers reduce their impact on the earth.

Savvy's owners noticed the green niche was unfilled - both in Naperville and throughout DuPage County. They've stepped in, hoping to provide the items and knowledge shoppers are looking for as they consider the environment.

After all, with a little help, it can be easy being green. Take note, Kermit.

Savvy co-owners Chris Wehrli and Anita Filipek serve as president and vice president. Wehrli's daughter, Ginny Wehrli-Hemmeter, is marketing director and Filipek's son, Eric Filipek, is purchasing director. Today, the women tell us about their eco-friendly business venture.

Q. What is your background in the industry?

Wehrli: Both Anita and I have supported the retail industry with our money for many years. We know how to shop!

Q. When and why did you strike out on your own?

Wehrli: I have wanted to start my own business for a long time, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. This past Christmas I had a personal medical scare and it gave me a different perspective. Then this spring the whole concept just fell together at the right time and place with all the right people.

Q. What's your niche in the market?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: We carry 100 percent green products that are recycled, organic or produced in a sustainable and fair trade way. None of our products are things you can get at a big chain store.

Q. How did you know you could be successful?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: "Green" is such a hot topic these days, and so we were very surprised to learn that no other store was dedicated to true green products. Our research and knowledge of Naperville showed that it would be a great place to bring our idea to life.

Wehrli: Also, the mix of expertise that we have can't be beat. I have run a successful business in Naperville with my husband (Wehrli Wood Refinishing Inc.) for more than 25 years. Anita is one of the smartest women I know and has a background in real estate, banking and finance.

Her son, Eric, has a degree in economics and has been researching green products for more than a year, and my daughter, Ginny, has a background in marketing and is a tremendous writer and speaker.

Q. What milestones are you looking for that will indicate you've made it?

Wehrli: I don't think a smart business person should ever feel they have "made it." If you do, you run the risk of losing focus, missing opportunities or just becoming plain lazy. You should constantly be looking for ways to improve your business.

Filipek: When the public starts to buy green products as a necessity in their lives and not just because it is a cool-looking product.

Q. What sets your business apart from competitors? Who are your competitors?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: We are the only green store in DuPage County and, for a few of our products, we are the only store in the state to carry them. These are not things you'll find at a grocery store, but innovative and creative products that support greener living.

Q. How broad is your customer base?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: Part of our mission is to educate people on the ease of living greener. It really doesn't need to take a lot of money or effort to add a few small actions to your life that will make a difference to the environment and your health.

Filipek: Money should not be the initial decision to drive someone's effort to change the actions in their life and that ultimately will make a difference in the environment and their health. So we feel that everyone is a potential member of the greener earth we hope will result.

Q. How has the economy affected your business?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: We try to show people just how much money they can save by switching to a greener product. We have items that save hundreds of dollars on electricity, bottled water, disposable diapers and batteries, just to name a few.

Q. How has technology changed your industry?

Wehrli-Hemmeter: Technology has allowed the green industry to really flourish. E-mail newsletters, for example, are obviously easier on the environment than traditional printed pieces, so we use that method of communication. It allows us to practice what we preach. The Internet also has allowed many small businesses to find and expand their markets, so we can find companies all over the country and connect their products with consumers here in Naperville.

Q. What trends are you seeing in the industry?

Wehrli: I think a lot of people are becoming more aware of the issues and the importance of recycling, reusing and conserving our natural resources. There are many articles in local publications about becoming more green. A lot of communities have recycling cans in their shopping areas for plastic and glass, and even the summer festivals offer different receptacles for glass and plastic. It's a great trend!

Q. How does your business support the community?

Filipek: Many of our vendors are local and small businesses, entrepreneurs that produce products to reduce our carbon footprint and to promote a sustainable greener lifestyle in our community.

Wehrli-Hemmeter: Buying a bag made out of recycled sailcloth, for example, keeps that material out of landfills and prevents all kinds of pollutants from being released into the air as a new bag is made. So a green purchase supports the global and local communities in a very real way.

Wehrli: We also support the community by helping to educate people. For example, one of our products is lined with a material made from recycled plastic water bottles. We also carry a line of toys made from recycled milk cartons. When I tell people about them, maybe they will realize the importance of recycling their plastic water bottles and milk cartons instead of throwing them in the garbage.


Business type: Retail store

Niche: Green products

Years in business: Just opened

Number of employees: 4

Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday to Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Address: 143 W. Jefferson Ave, Naperville

Phone: (630) 357-2889



Bags made out of sails from racing sailboats by designer Ella Vickers. Scott Sanders | Staff Photographer
A new eco-friendly store, Savvy, has opened on Jefferson Avenue in downtown Naperville and sells items made from materials such as used truck tires and sailboat sails. Scott Sanders | Staff Photographer
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