
Buffalo wings can really pack on the extra fat and calories

Q. I love Buffalo-style chicken wings. How bad for me are they?

A. No matter how they're flavored, deep-fried chicken wings provide a lot of fat and calories in a small portion. If you eat 10 wing pieces (five whole wings), chalk up at least 500 to 700 calories, or 800 to 1,000 or more calories if the wings are battered.

It's not just the impact on weight, though; those 10 wings contain from 35 to 70 grams of fat, with cholesterol-raising saturated fat averaging about 8 to 13 grams (nearly half to two-thirds of the recommended maximum for the whole day).

If you add celery (the least of the problem!) and a quarter-cup of blue cheese dressing to those same wing pieces, that brings the total to between about 800 and 1,300 calories. Beyond that, you've got nearly one to two days' worth of sodium.

The best way to have wings is to have just a couple on the side of a filling and balanced meal with a large portion of vegetables and some other main dish, such as a main dish salad or vegetarian chili. Or better yet, skip the wings and use Buffalo wing-style sauce to flavor baked or grilled skinless chicken breasts.

Q. What is it about agave nectar that is supposed to make it such a good sweetener?

A. Agave (pronounced uh-GAH-vay) nectar is a bit like a sweeter, thinner version of honey. Some vegans who don't use honey may prefer agave nectar - also called agave syrup - because it's plant-based, made from the juice of the agave plant.

Some people choose it because it dissolves quickly in cold drinks, like ice tea. Some choose it because although equal amounts of agave, honey and table sugar differ by only a few calories, agave is sweeter, so you can save calories by using less.

Furthermore, tests suggest agave has a lower glycemic index than honey or table sugar, meaning the same amount produces smaller increases in blood sugar than the other two sweeteners.

However, the calorie savings are too small to have any impact: to add up to even one pound of weight loss a month, you'd need to be using about 6 tablespoons of honey every day - not the mark of a healthy diet. Every little bit helps, but don't expect the switch to bring any significant weight loss.

Q. I've heard that in the places around the world where people live healthfully to old age, goat's milk is consumed rather than cow's milk? Is it a healthier choice?

A. Goat's milk may be the standard in some of the countries known for longevity, but that could just be coincidence.

Goat's milk and cow's milk are both good sources of calcium and protein. The clearest benefit of goat's milk is that it can be easier for some people to digest because of differences in the type of protein and fat. Goat's milk is a nutritious option, but overall longevity in many of the countries where it is consumed can more reliably be attributed to a plant-based diet featuring more vegetables and fruits and fewer processed foods and sweets, as well as physically active lifestyles and people who maintain a healthy weight.

• This column was provided by the American Institute for Cancer Research. Learn more about the group and its New American Plate program at

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