
If you need help, just ask

The staff at Lazarus House was very saddened by the recent death of someone known to us who lived down the street from Lazarus House. In situations such as this, we are sometimes asked why we didn't help. Lazarus House is here to help all our neighbors in need, but we are unable to help those who will not seek or accept appropriate help.

I'm writing this letter as an appeal to anyone who is making choices today that aren't in their best interest. There are three ways these life choices usually end: jail, death, or clean and sober. Of those three, it would seem that the last choice, the choice of being clean and sober, is the only one that gives folks the good life they deserve.

If you need help, or if you know someone who does, please reach out today. Call Lazarus House at (630) 587-2144 if you need to know where you can go for help. We answer our phone 24/7 and we really want to help. It's important for everyone to understand that help is available for everyone, regardless of their financial status.

Recent events make it clear that no one is immune to death if their lifestyle choices are not healthy. If you or someone you know has a problem with drugs or alcohol, reach out for help today; tomorrow may be too late.

Darlene Marcusson

Executive Director

Lazarus House

St. Charles

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