
Garage sales booming in the Fox Valley

They are no official economic barometer, but garage sales are turning into places where cash-strapped people shop not for want, but for need.

People are snatching up $2 toys, $10 strollers and $5 pants to keep from going to stores and spending more, said many sellers. They are lingering longer, dickering more and driving farther for the bargains.

They aren't looking for the sale signs in shop windows; they are looking for the "garage sale" signs stapled to corner utility poles.

"We've already sold 50 pieces of clothing," said Dundee Township resident John Siemieniec on the third day of his sale. "We have garage sales twice a year. We've been doing it for about three years. This time we've sold a lot more clothing."

And that's not just kids' stuff; clothing for adults is popular as are unwrapped items, which some people said they plan to give as gifts.

"People are lingering longer this year. Instead of stopping, looking over what we have and leaving, they are looking longer," he said. "They are also dickering more over the prices."

"I had one guy come and ask me to come down on a price of something saying he didn't have a job," said West Dundee resident Janan Searles. "He couldn't even afford what I had it marked at."

He walked away empty-handed, Searles said. Other bargain hunters, though, took advantage of buys at her sale.

People who regularly hold garage sales know to be successful they need good weather, low prices, a wide variety of items and a chatty disposition. If they have that, they could make a couple hundred dollars at the end of a two-day sale.

During summers in good economic times, conversations among the browsers and sellers are usually about neighborhood gossip, or what's going on in the community or school. And by the end of the first day the sellers have a good idea of what people are looking for.

This year, it's anything that will save them a dollar or two or where jobs can be found.

"We have a lot more people buying clothes this year," said East Dundee resident Anna Martin. "We have a garage sale every year. This year, we've also sold furniture and a television. It wasn't a flat screen television, but it worked: that's all that's important.

"People know they can get a lot more for their money at garage sales."

"We've sold a ton of kids' clothing this year," said Elgin resident Miguel Martinez. "We've also had a lot more people stop by. The economy is bad so more people are looking for things they need."

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