
Health care takeover bad for our economy

I'm writing this letter to all of the liberals who are pushing for a government takeover of our health care system. Their letters would be somewhat amusing if the idea weren't so dangerous to our economy and personal freedom.

Proponents of government health care for all paid for by someone else is sheer madness. The same federal government that's made a joke of enforcing immigration laws, allowing millions of illegal aliens to flood our cities and states all of them without health insurance. Now legal Americans are supposed to pay more taxes to give more benefits to them.

The very same federal government that is running Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and welfare. Programs that are all running huge deficits each year and are going bankrupt. All of these programs are full of waste and fraud.

The Obama administration along with Congress have already taken over GM, Chrysler and many banks with hundreds of billions of our dollars we don't have. Now they want to take over one seventh of our economy in health care. Where's the common sense?

Yes, we need health care reform like tort reform, dealing with cost shifting and the uninsurable, but a total government takeover is not the answer. And no matter what the liberals in government say - that this isn't a total takeover - that's what it will become when they are playing in the arena and referee both; as well as using our tax dollars against private companies.

I say give us freedom, not more government. Like former President Ronald Reagan famously said, "Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem."

Terry L. Gavin


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