
Thanks for help at Swedish Days

Geneva Rotary Club has concluded another successful Swedish Days with good sales at our "Third and Campbell" food booth of brats, hot dogs, sweet corn and drinks.

We want to thank Geneva residents and visitors for their purchases at our booth. Funds raised support Rotary service projects both local and international, youth exchange, scholarships and local charitable organizations.

Geneva Rotary offers its thanks to our vendors and suppliers for great service and products.

Geneva Jumpers and Geneva Gymnastics organizations provided us with wonderful volunteers at our booth. We much appreciate the hard work and enthusiasm of these young women.

Rotary club members, friends, spouses and other family members worked many long hours with organization, set up, cooking, serving and clean up. Geneva Rotary is indebted to all our volunteers for 2009 Swedish Days.

Gordon Hard

Sandy Kaczmarski

Rotary Club


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