
Talk of wind power full of hot air

The Our View "Keep clean energy ..." article requires amplification.

Your conclusion that local communities need ordinances covering wind turbines is on the mark, assuming the ordinances are well researched and objective.

On a national scale, wind energy requires greater understanding. Wind energy cannot, for example, get us to achieve independence from foreign oil; despite what politicians say. Wind generates electricity, not oil. Less than two percent of our electricity is generated from oil.

Wind energy isn't likely to replace very many coal-fired power plants. It would take nearly 2,000 wind turbines to replace one large 1,000 megawatt coal-fired power plant.

Wind is unreliable and isn't suitable for base load power. Only coal, nuclear, and possibly new large gas turbines combined cycle power plants can provide consistent, uninterrupted power throughout the country. Wind requires spinning reserves that can come on line at a moment's notice when the wind stops blowing.

Wind is considerably more expensive than electricity from coal-fired power plants. The cost of backup power and of transmission lines devoted exclusively to wind power need to be accounted for when determining costs.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory proposed that 20 percent of our electricity could come from wind, but their projections rely on larger units with considerably higher capacity factors. Offshore installations are key to their proposal, yet offshore projects in Europe have been canceled due to high costs.

Wind has been oversold.

We will all benefit from more transparency and fewer political speeches when discussing wind.

Donn Dears


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