
Saturday Soapbox: New Jersey, you make us look good

More than 40 people in New Jersey, including three mayors and two state lawmakers, were arrested Thursday in the state's latest large corruption probe, an investigation into black-market kidneys and fake Gucci handbags. Thank you, New Jersey, for making Illinois look relatively good.

Ageless advice:

Viola Botterman Straub lives and breathes local history. Straub, who will turn 98 in August, is the last of her generation of descendants from original Schaumburg Township farm families. While Straub has an encyclopedia of stories to tell, her straightforward words on what kept her young tell her story best: "Get up early and do your work."

An all-around athlete:

Congrats to Rebekah Stewart of Winfield. The recent Wheaton Academy grad won a regional gold medal from the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation. Stewart, a basketball, volleyball, soccer and track star, won her medal in the sports category, but also deserves props for her 4.1 GPA.

Police should police themselves:

Illinois' law prohibits smoking in public places and government-owned vehicles. Then why did we spot two Cook County sheriff's deputies smoking like chimneys in their squad car? And tossing their cigarette butts out their windows as they cruised down I-90?

Get out of the way:

It's a law that when an emergency vehicle is coming, you are supposed to pull over, as in out of the way. A firetruck trying to get down Golf Road near Woodfield during a weekday rush was pingponging around drivers in all three lanes who just stopped. Ever heard of moving to the right? Maybe instead of red-light cameras, towns should invest in idiot-driver cameras.

Thrill fades:

No matter what your politics, you have to admit, it is a little exciting that the president of the United States is from here. That is, until he flies home and his helicopter is grounded due to weather like it was Thursday, and his motorcade creates a traffic nightmare on I-90. It's hard to feel proud when you're stuck in traffic for an hour and a half.

Farewell, Fed:

The suburbs lost one of its gems this week with the death of retired MacArthur Middle School coach and teacher Greg "Fed" Fedyski. He is best known for getting Olympian Jorge Torres interested in running. But his inspiration and commitment affected many more. Wouldn't it be nice if former students started an annual run in his honor?

The ultimate road trip:

Good luck to Geneva Boy Scout Troop 37 on its 12-day bike trip to Niagara Falls. The trip, a fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association, has already had a positive impact. Scout Jacob Haas, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 7 years ago, says the training has helped lower his blood sugar.

Take it to the limit:

Whether it's Arlington Heights resident Jean Draper, competing in an Olympic-distance triathlon despite the loss of her leg, or Geneva 7-year-old Jacob Noonan, who rode 60 miles on his bike last week, the suburbs are full of stories of personal accomplishment. What limit will you push today?

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