
Give legislators their pink slips

The budget delay will not protect political hides from the ire of rational and thoughtful voters. Those of us who actually do a little homework and try to vote for leaders who lead and people who can make tough choices will not vote to reseat do-nothing politicians in Springfield.

The reason we have inaction in Springfield is because people vote for their favorite talking head of their preferred party. People have to stop blindly re-electing these people who do nothing but occupy space and collect a check.

Are you a member of the party of NO! who refuses to balance the budget, screams about waste but does nothing to curb it and chooses to stand by while the poor and disabled are kicked to the curb? Do you care if education or the local health department are funded? Do you want to continue to pay unlimited property taxes because the state won't pay its bills? Do you want criminals and the mentally ill wandering the streets?

So many people are a paycheck away from poverty. Too many people can't afford health care. The state is billions of dollars in debt and months behind in paying bills. Not paying bills isn't an option.

Responsible voters must get rid of the politicians who are an obstacle to making this state what it could and should be. Do your homework and take the time to follow your representatives and senators. If they aren't doing their jobs, they need to go. We need to bury them in an avalanche of pink slips and let them know that we are watching and they need to do the job they were elected to do.

Robert B. Morgan


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