
Jump in the middle; the water's fine

Every now and again someone writes a letter to the Herald accusing the paper of being in bed with the socialist liberals and that prayer is going to be outlawed and that we are all going to be forced to marry a gay person or that the government is being taken over by socialists, Nazis or Communists, and so on. It is nice to know that their favorite right wing blogs are inciting so much frenzy among these poor souls.

It is hard to take them seriously, especially about the liberal bias in the paper. Apparently these people don't read the paper too carefully as I see George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Mona Charon and Cal Thomas on the editorial page all the time. These disgusting and subversive liberals are always shooting off their mouths and trying to destroy any and all conservatives, however they may try to disguise themselves.

It seems that a person is only a liberal when they don't agree 100 percent with the latest right wing rant. They should try the middle some time, it is very comfortable and easier on the blood pressure.

Raleigh Sutton


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