
Likes Foster's stand on Cap and Trade

National Energy Tax legislation recently passed the House by a vote of 219 to 212. This bill, which I understand to also be known as Cap and Trade, could effectively amount to the largest tax increase in American history. Unfortunately, based on the length of the bill, I would venture a guess that most of our elected officials who voted in favor of the bill did not fully read it or understand its consequences.

It appears, however, that U.S. Rep. Bill Foster did in fact do his homework. He voted "no" against this job-killing bill, and I think he should be commended for his fiscal responsibility and prudent judgment. I believe some of the reasons he may have voted this way include the fact that this bill will raise average family energy bills by $1,500 annually. It will also raise gasoline prices by 74 percent by 2035, destroy somewhere between 1.1 and 2.4 million American jobs on average per year, and reduce our gross domestic product by 2.5 percent by 2050.

This legislation does little to help Americans through this difficult economic time and introduces even more legislation that will increase taxes and increase our federal debt, which is already at a historical high.

Let Foster know that what he stands for is good for his district, good for our country and good for our future.

Jim Patrician


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