
Local talent will shine at Friday's show

Whether your musical taste runs to rock bands, crooners, or bagpipe ballads, you'll surely be entertained at this year's McHenry County Fair Talent Show.

"We have a lot of good talent in the area, and (the talent show) is always a big draw," says organizer Cathy Thomas, who for 35 years has volunteered her time to give aspiring young "stars" their chance in the spotlight.

"People come back every year, because you never know what you'll see," she says. "This year, we have two bands, a drum solo, lots of singers, dancers, musicians, even bagpipes!"

All it takes is a little talent, a $6 fee, and a lot of desire, Thomas says. Youngsters ages 9-14 perform in the junior competition, and ages 15-21 compete at the senior level. Last Sunday, 29 eager hopefuls competed in a preliminary round held at the fairgrounds. On Friday, eight finalists in each division will perform again under the bright lights of the Hansen Pavilion. The junior competition starts at 7 p.m., and the senior level at 8:30 p.m.

"We enjoy it, and it gives these kids a chance to realize their dream," Thomas said. "We just provide a venue for them."

Some winners have gone on to become college music majors or local entertainers, she added.

"One even started her own dance studio!"

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