
The lowdown on beans and how they compare

Q. Are black beans any more nutritious than kidney and garbanzo beans?

A. All three beans, like other legumes, are great choices, supplying protein and dietary fiber as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Black beans are slightly higher in fiber than the other two choices and provide some extra magnesium, but garbanzo beans (chickpeas) are a little higher in the B vitamin folate.

Some news stories have picked up on preliminary studies showing black beans among the highest in certain antioxidants. However, other research shows kidney beans slightly higher in total antioxidant power. Different types of analysis and cooking methods are enough to blur nutritional differences among these healthy options.

Enjoy a wide variety of beans, making selections for each dish based on color, texture and flavor. Black beans are earthy and flavorful, kidney beans are mild and absorb flavor from seasonings, and garbanzo beans add a nutty taste.

Q. I've heard that one way to eat more vegetables and fruits is to add them to foods throughout the day. How do I get past this seemingly daunting task?

A. I think you really just have to jump in and try it. Look at any grain, potato, soup, meat, sandwich, pizza, casserole or sandwich as a vehicle waiting for one or more vegetables or fruits.

Make a game out of adding extra produce to at least one food at each meal. Dice up a pepper to keep in a small bowl in the refrigerator so it's ready to pull out and add to rice or on a baked potato. Add shredded carrots or a handful of chopped spinach to soup or to pre-made pasta sauce. Saute or stir-fry vegetables like zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli florets or tomatoes with a little garlic for a side dish one night, and make extra to add to pasta, couscous or pizza a couple nights later.

Create a mindset that you always add some fresh or dried fruits to hot or cold cereal or yogurt. Experiment with new additions to sandwiches, from sliced apples or pears to roasted peppers and baby spinach.

In short, have fun!

Q. What is fatty liver and is it related to diet?

A. Fatty liver is a condition in which fat stored in the liver can cause inflammation that may lead to scarring and cirrhosis. For years, people assumed it was only caused by alcohol, but fatty liver is increasingly linked with excess body fat and metabolic abnormalities like insulin resistance.

Studies show as many as 70 percent of people with diabetes may have fatty liver; signs of the condition can go undetected for years before complications may develop. Researchers are still trying to identify how our eating habits might reduce the risk or improve the symptoms of fatty liver, but some ideas are emerging.

So far, the most important eating habits linked to reducing fatty liver focus on steps that reduce insulin resistance: avoid sugar-containing soft drinks, limit sweets and refined grains, get some moderate physical activity every day, and decrease total calories to gradually reduce excess body fat if overweight.

Some studies suggest that limiting saturated fat and getting most of the diet's fat from olive oil and omega-3 fat (in fish walnuts, and flaxseeds, for example) may be helpful. These steps may provide other health benefits, but impact on the liver is still uncertain. Research suggests that even modest weight loss that is maintained can reduce liver risks - it's not all-or-nothing.

• This column was provided by the American Institute for Cancer Research. Learn more about the group and its New American Plate program at

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