
Goslin to face one challenger in primary

Cook County Board Commissioner Gregg Goslin will face just one opponent in February's Republican primary after another challenger's election petitions were deemed invalid..

Kurt "Ike" Eichaker, of Barrington, was knocked off the ballot following a recent hearing of the Cook County Officers Electoral Board, which ruled the newcomer's petition sheets weren't numbered consecutively as required by Illinois law. Patrick O'Donoghue, of Northfield, is also running for the office.

The 50-year-old Eichaker said he hoped to take on Goslin, a three-term Glenview Republican, because residents of the 14th County Board district aren't being adequately represented. It was to be Eichaker's first run at political office.

"I want to see citizens get elected that want to serve the citizens and not themselves," Eichaker said.

The objection was filed by longtime Goslin friend, Northfield Township Highway Commissioner Peter Amarantos. Goslin served as township supervisor from 1984 to 1997.

Eichaker acknowledges his sheets weren't properly numbered, but said he was told by staff in Cook County Clerk David Orr's office that they were OK. He doesn't think he was given a fair hearing, though the ruling stated lawyers representing Amarantos and Eichaker made oral arguments and presented evidence.

"It was like a kangaroo court in there," Eichaker said. "I wasn't even given a chance to speak."

Eichaker apologized to his supporters and said he'd considering running for office again.

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