
Hartstein has the qualities you want

Hartstein is my choice for State Rep in the 59th

I have known Elliott Hartstein for thirty years. For four of the twelve years I served as an elected village trustee in Buffalo Grove, Elliott was village president. In fact, in 1999, I was his only opponent for village president, when Elliott was first elected as village president of Buffalo Grove. I have lobbied in Springfield on behalf of Buffalo Grove with Elliott.

I have also known Elliott personally for three decades. Our daughters, now mothers, were in Brownies together. I have known and observed Elliott in his role as a member of the Stevenson High School Board. I have known and observed Elliott as the founding president of the Northwest Suburban JCC. I have known and observed Elliott in his role as president of the Northwest Municipal Council and as a member of the Executive Board of the Lake County Municipal League. He is the right person, at the right time, to represent us in Springfield.

Even as his opponent in 1999, my opinion of him did not change. He is, and has always been, a "mensch." He is one good, one nice guy. He has an incredible understanding of Illinois state government, and will have a very small, if any, learning curve.

Elliott listens. While I have at times disagreed with Elliott on issues, I have always found Elliott anxious to understand, and consider, other opinions. He is more than willing to modify his position after hearing others. He is exactly the type of person that you would want representing you in Springfield.

Finally, while I can't remember the last time that I took a Democratic Ballot in a primary, I will do so to vote for Elliott Hartstein. I respectfully request that you consider joining me.

Brian Rubin

Buffalo Grove