
Coulson, Seals for the 10th Congressional District

Voters in the 10th Congressional District have one of those rare opportunities looming. In this district that spans eastern Lake and Northwest Cook counties, they get to choose the contenders for a wide-open general election as incumbent Republican Mark Kirk seeks to move to the U.S. Senate.

Republicans should back CoulsonGOP voters can choose from five candidates: state Rep. Elizabeth Coulson, 55, of Glenview; Kenilworth pest control business owner Robert Dold, 40; Highland Park pediatrician Arie Friedman, 43; Winnetka economist Dick Green, 52; and Lake Forest engineer Paul Hamann, 51.Friedman did not take the opportunity to participate in an endorsement interview. Hamann separates himself because he supports immediate withdrawal of the U.S. military from Afghanistan, a view we do not share. He seems to have an unrealistic view of the legislative process. Green and Dold are articulate and have a strong handle on GOP orthodoxy. Dold also worked in the George H.W. Bush White House and was a lawyer on the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee.We are most impressed with Coulson, who has demonstrated her ability to tear down obstacles and build consensus in a nearly 13-year career in Springfield. Coulson, a certified physical therapist, claims some credit for achieving prescription drug coverage for senior citizens in Illinois before it came up in Congress and for developing a coalition of Republicans and downstate majority Democrats to persuade that party's leadership to adopt some medical malpractice reform.She speaks with passion and detail about domestic challenges and is steeped in international affairs. Coulson also has been endorsed by former Gov. Jim Edgar and former 10th District Congressman John E. Porter. We add our strong support for Coulson to theirs.Seals deserves Democratic support:Democratic voters have a much tougher decision. They must choose from among newcomer Elliot Richardson, 37, a Highland Park lawyer, Wilmette business consultant Dan Seals, 38, who has run twice before, and state Rep. Julie Hamos, 60, of Wilmette.Richardson is thoughtful and a proponent of lowering capital gains taxes and aiding small business, but he does not have the experience of Hamos or Seals.Seals worked as a high school teacher in Japan and holds a master's degree in international economics and Japanese studies. He has worked as an aide to the U.S. Commerce Department and in the U.S. Senate. He has worked in the private sector for major firms and as an independent business consultant. Hamos is an accomplished lawyer and public advocate who has worked in Springfield for 11 years. She has been a county prosecutor and lawyer for the House Ways and Means Committee. Hamos and Seals agree on their approaches to many of the major challenges facing the nation.Seals showed commitment in seeking this seat before it was open, winning two primaries and coming close to beating Kirk twice before. Hamos demonstrated courage as one of only two House Democrats who voted against the campaign finance legislation approved last fall, believing, as we do, that it should have included donation limits on party leaders.Hamos is more willing to trust President Obama's judgment on the troop surge in Afghanistan, while Seals prefers an approach that targets al-Qaida more than one that engages in nation building.Hamos led the recent effort to bail out mass transit, in part by securing a sales tax increase. Seals seems more worried about federal spending and spiraling debt. In a very close call, we give the edge to Seals for his concern for cutting spending and our belief that he may be more independent and, therefore, a better fit for the 10th District.False8001049Dan Seals False

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